+7(495) 628 01 11
+7(495) 221 22 85

Permanent residence permit

6 months after receiving a temporary residence permit it is possible to apply for a permanent residence permit. The processing time is also 6 months. The permanent residence permit is issued for a period of 5 years. On receiving the permanent residence permit the foreign national has exactly the same rights as Russian citizens, except the right to vote.

The only restriction is the requirement to be in the RF for no less than 180 days a year. Foreign nationals, who have entered the RF on a visa, can enter and leave the RF without a visa.

Phones: +7 (495) 628-01-11
  +7 (495) 221 22 85
Address: 105062, Russia, Moscow, Makarenko 5-1a, office 1
Map: The location map
E-mail: info@work-russia.ru