+7(495) 628 01 11
+7(495) 221 22 85

Russian Citizenship

In order to obtain Russian citizenship it is necessary first to obtain a temporary residence permit, which is valid for 3 years and then a permanent residence permit, which is valid for 5 years.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit for CIS-citizens takes 3 months, and for non CIS-citizens it takes 6 months.

After receiving a temporary residence permit a foreign national has the right to submit documents for a permanent residence permit. The processing time is 6 months.

If a foreign national with a permanent residence permit lives in the country for 5 years permanently he has the right to submit documents for Russian citizenship. Residence in the RF is considered to be permanent if a foreign national leaves the RF for no more than three months a year.

The residence requirement of 5 years is reduced to one year in the following circumstances:

  • if a person was born in the Russian Soviet Federal Socialistic Republic and previously held Soviet citizenship;
  • if a person has been married to a Russian citizen for no less than 3 years;
  • if a person who is unable to work has a son or daughter who is able to work and has reached the age of 18 and has Russian citizenship;
  • if a person has accomplished great achievements in the fields of science, technology or culture; if a person has a profession or qualification which is of interest to the RF;
  • if a person has received political asylum in the RF;
  • if a person has received the status of refugee, as stipulated by Federal Law.

A residence permit for highly skilled specialists and their family members can be processed according to the simplified procedure. The validity of the residence permit coincides with the validity of the work permit. It takes 3 months to process all necessary documents.

Phones: +7 (495) 628-01-11
  +7 (495) 221 22 85
Address: 105062, Russia, Moscow, Makarenko 5-1a, office 1
Map: The location map
E-mail: info@work-russia.ru